
My name is Anna Sawerthal. This website is based on a list I compiled for my Ph.D. thesis I defended at Heidelberg University. The study focuses on the influential Mirror of News from Various Regions of the World (also known as “Tibet Mirror”, 1925-1963), and analyzes media historical changes accompanying the introduction of newspapers to the Tibetan plateau. In order to assess these changes, I compiled a list of newspapers and other early periodicals in Tibetan language.

Over the last years, I have encountered a divide between people who have access to academic discussions, literature and knowledge, and a  majority who do not, but might be interested in certain outcomes of this research. Therefore I decided to set up this homepage to share my work with anybody interested.

I welcome feedback, criticism and particularly further information or material which could shed light on the numerous blind spots in the history of Tibetan-language newspapers.

Through the generous funding of my institute at Heidelberg,  I was able to visit various archives around the world and meet numerous scholars at conferences and workshops. I express my sincere gratitude to all who shared their precious knowledge with me.

I thank danubeweb.at for hosting this page and providing support.

Contact me at: anna (a) sawerthal.at

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